A Basic Analysis Of Real-World Solutions In Eyelash Extension

Check the shade of your mascara and how it matches with your eye color before buying it. While it’s nice to see Hollywood stars don the latest in mascara trends, you need to check first if the mascara color that you are using will be well-matched to your eye color. Black is a safe option since it suits most eye colors. But if you like to mix and match, make sure that you are familiar with the color wheel elements that can make or break your eyelashes.

Having said that, why not have an lash extension nyc or an eyelash perm? Not wanting to sound like an ad, but like what I mentioned earlier-small change, big difference. Believe me, it wouldn’t only make you look different, but feel different as well. Having that little change would make you feel more beautiful and the better you feel, the more beautiful you’ll look. Like how, you ask?

Of course, these are only the top five reasons why most people choose to have a makeover. There are many more reasons for an occasional trip to the beauty parlor, but these are often the ones that are cited by people. No matter what your personal reason might be, there are a lot of ways to get a fresh new look that’s easy to maintain.

Over washing. Washing your eyelashes depletes them of natural oils. Over time, this causes your lashes to dry out making them brittle and more likely to fall out. The best practice is to use a quality moisturizer after you wash your face or remove eye makeup to help make eyelashes grow.

Start slow. Become a pen pal first. At least for a little while. You can tell a lot about a person from what they write. Then try the phone. See what they sound like. Trust your instincts and all the knowledge, common sense and wisdom of your age. If it feels right, take the next step. Maybe tea, coffee or dinner. The choice is yours.

Don’t get me wrong, the hassle is worth it, we look better with longer and thicker eyelashes. We feel better about ourselves when we look better. And you know how that makes the special people in our lives feel when we feel good.

Having a few physical changes isn’t bad at all. But we should do it for the “right” reasons. We shouldn’t do it just because your boyfriend likes you really skinny, so just to please him, you’d eat half a cup of rice instead of the usual 2 cups that you eat – not very healthy, I know. But what I’m trying to say here is, should you decide to do it, it’s because you want it…you’d feel happy about it…

Extend Eyelash Extensions NYC
Phone: 929-519-6969
38 W 31st St Suite 148
New York, NY 10001